North Heidelberg Sporting Club present Terry Wallace (Plough) Saturday afternoon June 15 for our pre-game luncheon prior to the home game against Banyule.
Kick-Off from 11.45am for a 12.00pm start.
The event incudes:
* Two Hour Drinks Package 12.00pm – 2.00pm
* Luncheon catered for by Beauty and the Feast
* Cost Per Person $75-
Coterie 500 & 1000 Members – 1 free ticket per number
Coterie 1500 Members – 2 free tickets per number
Please note to assist with catering we require those who wish to attend to get their numbers finalised asap for seating allocation where as you can appreciate this event will sell very quickly.
Also please advise of any dietary requirements.
To book your seat/s & settle you can do via the following:
Scan the QR Code on the promo to take you to our Try Booking event page to register or copy/paste the link
You can also transfer via EFT to the NHSC bank account to make payment.
NHSC – Bendigo Bank
BSB 633 000
Account 1445 34559
Reference – Name x Tickets