Sponsor a Netball Player in 2021

Download Player Sponsorship form here!

Player Sponsorship provides you with:

  • 2 x Club Memberships which provides free admission to all 2021 Home & Away football games
  • Sponsorship advertised and promoted through
    • Bulldog TV displayed in the Social Club at all home games
    • Player Website Image
    • Admittance to ladies luncheon during the season


How the club & players benefit through Players Sponsorship:

  1. Sponsorship contributes to the expenses involved in getting all Netball teams on the courtĀ every week including:
  2. Playing uniforms
  3. NFL registration + match day fees
  4. Player insurance

Player Sponsorship Fees for 2017

  1. NetballĀ – $250.00 (tax deduction available)

For all Player Sponsor inquiries, please contact Angela Norman 0434 882 913 .