To provide a safe and healthy sporting club environment for players, spectators, volunteers, coaches and officials. This policy encourages everyone to take a role in accident/incident prevention.
North Heidelberg Sporting Club is committed to keeping all people associated with the club safe and to managing any accidents and or incidents in a manner which minimizes harm to individuals and the organisation.
Policy Statements
- Everyone involved with the club is encouraged to contribute to accident prevention by reporting potential risks or dangers on sighting.
- The club will only use accredited coaches and “working with children checks” where compulsory for all volunteers who are likely to have unsupervised contact with minors.
- The club aims to have first aid equipment and adequately trained medical staff available for competition and training.
- In the case of an accident occurring where there are no trained personnel present, club representatives will act on the side of caution and will seek medical assistance, or ambulance support.
- Club coaches will ensure that players utilise personal safety equipment and that general playing equipment is well maintained.
- Club officials will inspect playing surfaces to determine safety prior to play including the removal of any temporary hazards.
- Accidents, incidents and near misses occurring will be documented on an accident register including the actions undertaken by club personnel. This register will be kept by the Secretary and will be regularly viewed by the Committee to inform risk management strategies required.
- North Heidelberg Sporting Club promotes fair play in accordance with the rules of the sport and adheres to the state government’s Victorian Code of Conduct for Community Sport 2010.
- North Heidelberg Sporting Club is a smoke-free organisation and does not permit smoking in or around the clubhouse facilities, courts or fields, in eye-shot of junior players, or in vehicles used to transport players.
- North Heidelberg Sporting Club will regulate and promote responsible consumption of alcohol at the Club by ensuring that only Responsible Serving of Alcohol (RSA) trained people operate the bar.
- North Heidelberg Sporting Club encourages all coaches to adopt a health promotion approach to player welfare including adoption of good warm-up, hydration and injury management practices.
Procedures To Support Member Safety
- The Committee reviews policy statements prior to the commencement of the season and amends / develops where necessary..
- The Committee communicates policy contents to members through email, social media or registration forms encouraging everyone to take a role in accident prevention.
- Collection of emergency contact details from members occurs at registration. Team data bases to be provided to a chosen official for each team e.g. Team Manager.
- Development of a record of first aid representatives willing to support the Club and the team with which they are associated.
- Check maintenance dates on fire extinguishers and inform relevant authority if requiring updating.
- Offer Responsible Serving of Alcohol Training to people intending to operate the bar prior to the commencement of the season.
- Replenish first aid kits prior to season commencement and replace any items out of date
- Determine who accidents and incidents should be reported to for the season and communicate the procedures and provide reporting forms to team officials.
- Safety briefing to be conducted at the commencement of the season for all Committee members, coaches, first aid representatives, team managers etc. include information on how to report accidents / incidents.
- Emergency procedure checklist to be posted around clubhouse.
- Maintain the accident register.
Policy Review
This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant to club operations and reflects both community expectations and legal requirements.
Executive Committee
North Heidelberg Sporting Club
March 2020